Saturday, March 13, 2010

About John Best

Certainly by now I'm more than a 'jack of all trades', I'm a very capable bastard in many fields, but only expert in a few. I'll not reach 'Renaissance Man' status in this life, but the fun is in the trip. Basically, I make things. All sorts of things. I wrote, successfully defended, and received a US patent and have three more in process. I design electronics stuff, mostly micro-controllers these days, and write the firmware. I once redesigned a DNA sequencing machine to pass CE (Conformance European) requirements, and it was passed by an independent lab (MET labs) without revision. Oh, what else? I write a good letter to the editor. I hiked 270 miles one summer. I grow 20 or 30 tomato plants every summer, peppers and eggplant too. I remodeled several houses, wiring, plumbing, HVAC roofing, etc. I've done a few sculptures. I've developed manufacturing machinery and processes. I built a vapor-phase soldering machine once. I set up and run my own anodizing line. I program CNC lathes which I use for manufacturing medical devices and art pieces. I have a degree in Letters, Arts and Science, and am was an Electrical Engineer for most of my career. I've written drivers for data acquisition systems. I designed, manufactured and sold a data acquisition board and imaging software to plug into a PC and extract images from Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM). I easily saved the US trade deficit at least $10 million dollars by allowing users to extend the life of their SEM's. I've started two companies, ELMDAS Co. and Best Instrument, Inc. Blah, blah, what? Here and abroad we still seem to be producing far more babies than we can educate decently and will be able to pull their own weight. I used to do a fair amount of volunteer work, but frankly, I've invested enough time and money raising other peoples kids. I've volunteered THOUSANDS, (not hundreds) of community hours coaching soccer, setting up PTO functions, spend 6 years on a school board 1 as head of the finance committee, I volunteered for a small museum, I set up a community fair for 6 or 7 years, I was a merit badge counselor, initiating and completely organizing all aspects of a science fair for 4 years straight, setting up an educational technology fair for Pennsylvania teachers and many other things I'm not going to take time to recall. I sail. I am a gun totin', meat eatin' Liberal, in the spirit of the Founding Fathers as inspired by the French Enlightenment. Yessiree, a 'man in full'is a man who is full of it, and that is I. I've done enough that I can look any man in the eye and tell him to go to hell, and that is exactly how my Grandmother told me to be.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

John Best What's in a name?

Google your name, and see what pops up. Whoa there! Didn't expect that! Somebody who remains shrouded as a first name only, Joseph, wrote a blog destroying some other 'John Best'.

I missed the point completely at first. So this other John Best has some opinions I don't agree with. I have a far greater problem with an unknown blogger tearing my name apart. It's pure hate. It's focusing frustration on one individual. Whether this other John Best (not me people) has some disagreeable opinions or not, it's as weird to focus so much energy on him (by 'Joseph') as it is for the other John Best to focus so much energy on Mercury as the cause of Autism.

Thus far, it has been like pulling teeth to get Joseph to act with the slightest modicum of sensitivity to the fact that his trashing this other 'John Best' trashes hundreds of people who have this name. Yes, he wrote a tiny disclaimer, and thanks for that at least, but it has no effect on the problem. When I Google MY name, 'John Best' his blog TRASHING the other John Best comes up as the first entry.

Well, there are all sorts of rude people out there in the world. Perhaps the John Best to whom Joseph refers is misguided, or whatever, but Joseph is insensitive and rude. Come out in the open Joseph, and be civil, do the right thing and take down your blog completely. If not, if you choose to remain anonymous and continue to smear MY name, well, I hope there's karma baby.

I mean, I'm not a punk, you know? I've volunteered THOUSANDS, (not hundreds) of community hours coaching soccer, setting up PTO functions, working on a school board, working for a small volunteer museum HHM , setting up a community fair for many years HLD, working as a merit badge counselor, initiating and completely organizing all aspects of a science fair for 4 years straight, setting up an educational technology fair for Pennsylvania teachers and many other things I'm not going to take time to recall, and YOU, Joseph are smearing MY name. Son, I've also spent and donated thousands of dollars on these things, and looking back a lot bigger chunk of my life than most, so how about knocking it off?

Well, time to not give a damn. There's all kinds of people. Anybody that knows me knows I'm not the John Best Joseph is smearing, deserved or not. If they don't know me, well, I suppose I lose some business? So what. Life's too short to worry about it.

Regards,to All Sorts, From the John Best, who is NOT the anti-neurodiversity John Best that Joseph seems to enjoy smearing. What a pathetic pissing match Joseph and John Best have going. .